April 16, 2024 The Wisconsin Health Information Organization (WHIO) is pleased to provide, InfoByte: Western Wisconsin Market Stats. In January 2024, Health Systems Hospital System (HSHS) and Prevea Health announced the closing of hospitals and clinics in Eau Claire and Chippewa Valley WI.   Click here to access information onContinue Reading

July 7, 2023 The Wisconsin Health Information Organization (WHIO) is pleased to provide a new report, InfoByte: Childhood Lead Exposure in Wisconsin. Detectable lead levels in the blood have the potential to harm individuals, especially young children. Among other facts, this InfoByte provides information on the relationship between abnormal leadContinue Reading

May 12, 2022 The Wisconsin Health Information Organization (WHIO) is proud to provide InfoByte: Antibiotics Prescriptions in Wisconsin. A recent report by the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control showed that the top 10% of antibiotic prescribers were responsible for 41% of antibiotic prescriptions for Medicare Part D beneficiaries. ThisContinue Reading


March 12, 2021 Telehealth services are an emerging care model. The WHIO reports on the use of telehealth services in Wisconsin to inform policy makers, providers, health plans, employers, and the public on trends in Wisconsin. The COVID-19 pandemic made it problematic for patients to complete an in person outpatientContinue Reading

July 7, 2020 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), among others, have all recognized the potential for COVID-19 to have a significant impact on people already suffering from mental health and substance abuse disorders. Today, I amContinue Reading

April 24, 2020 Earlier this month, I revealed how the Wisconsin Health Information Organization (WHIO) was putting its data to use to provide actionable information to the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Medicaid Services in the face of the coronavirus pandemic through the COVID-19 High-Risk MemberContinue Reading

Telehealth is the distribution of health-related services and information via electronic information and telecommunication technologies.  Initially, telehealth was used by health care professionals to connect with patients in rural settings, those who lack transportation and patients with limited mobility.  Today, telehealth is also used to increase access to services forContinue Reading