July 7, 2020
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), among others, have all recognized the potential for COVID-19 to have a significant impact on people already suffering from mental health and substance abuse disorders.
Today, I am sharing the attached communication titled InfoByte: Behavioral Health & COVID-19. This communication provides insights into state-wide indicators related to mental health to inform all Wisconsin stakeholders. The WHIO will update these indicators periodically as Wisconsin moves through this pandemic.
If you have an idea of how the WHIO information can be used to understand the impact of COVID-19 in Wisconsin, please let me know.
You may contact me directly at Dana.Richardson@whio.org for more information on the WHIO.
Please be safe and stay healthy.

Dana Richardson
Chief Executive Officer
Wisconsin Health Information Organization