November 2019
Telehealth in Wisconsin
Interest in the use of telehealth by patients, providers and payers is increasing. As technology continues to advance, it is expected that telehealth will become a staple in health care delivery. Many Wisconsin organizations are planning for or are in the early stages of using telehealth today to extend their reach to patients and to treat routine but urgent conditions.
Do you have the most recent statistics and intelligence regarding telehealth to support a successful business strategy for the patients you serve?
To inform your decision making, WHIO is providing stats on the use of telehealth in Wisconsin. Our InfoByte: Telehealth in Wisconsin brief provides information on the:
- Penetration of telehealth by WI region;
- Use by age and gender;
- Conditions treated; and
- Impact of insurance in the use of telehealth.
Enhanced Data File Now Available
As our partner in health care, you’re aware that a deep understanding of analytics is mission critical to your enterprise to inform your business decisions and support your bottom-line goals. WHIO is here to deliver that value with our newest product: the Enhanced Data (ED) file.
In addition to common analytical claims data elements derived from over 4 million insured lives, the ED includes:
Normalized Pricing – Creates a uniform approach to classifying and assigning costs for health care services.
Episode Treatment Groups® – Captures services provided throughout the course of a patient’s treatment to quantify and classify these services by professional, inpatient, outpatient, ancillary and pharmaceutical sub-groups.
Episode Risk Groups® – Provides a contemporary approach to measuring health risk using a consistent methodology across all populations.
Many thanks for your ongoing interest and commitment to the WHIO. Together, we’ll continue to transform health care knowledge into winning strategies for all Wisconsinites.
Wishing you a safe and happy holiday season.
Dana Richardson, CEO
Wisconsin Health Information Organization